賴比瑞亞 (Liberia) 的獨立 1847年7月26日
美國人反對奴隸制度的態度可以追溯到18世紀早期,當時針對對非裔美人殖民化作法 (形成不同的殖民地) 取代整合他們融入美國人社會中的議題,有不同的意見。在黑人與白人之間,這是相當具有爭議性的議題。有一群人在1816年組成了「美國殖民協會」 (the
American Colonization Society) ,成員包括詹姆士‧門羅 (James
Monroe) 、安德魯‧傑克森 (Andrew
Jackson) 、丹尼爾‧韋伯斯特 (Daniel
Webster) ,以及法蘭西斯‧史考特‧凱伊 (Francis
Scott Key) 。他們知道美國在成為一個真正統合的國家前,必須要面臨許多困難,所以他們買下西非的一塊土地,將其命名為賴比瑞亞。這個小殖民地是怎麼變成獨立的國家呢?
Americans opposed to slavery back in the early 1800s were divided over the issue of colonization (forming separate colonies) for African Americans instead of integrating them into the United States. It was a very controversial notion among both blacks and whites. A group called the American Colonization Society was formed in 1816, with members such as James Monroe, Andrew Jackson, Daniel Webster, and Francis Scott Key. They knew the nation would face many difficulties in becoming a truly integrated country, so they bought a colony on the West Coast of Africa and named it Liberia. How did this little colony become an independent country?
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