賴比瑞亞 (Liberia) 的獨立 1847年7月26日
一位從維吉尼亞州來的年輕非裔美人約瑟夫‧詹金斯‧羅伯茲 (Joseph
Jenkins Roberts) 於1847年7月26日宣佈西非的賴比瑞亞殖民地為獨立的國家。第二年,他成為這個新國家的第一任總統。1829年,羅伯茲在20歲的時候從維吉尼亞的彼得斯堡 (Petersburg) 搬到賴比瑞亞。在那時候,賴比瑞亞還是由一群美國人所擁有的殖民地。這群人是誰,他們想要在賴比瑞亞作些什麼呢?
A young African American man from Virginia named Joseph Jenkins Roberts declared the colony of Liberia in West Africa an independent republic on July 26, 1847. The following year he became the first elected president of the new country. Roberts had moved there in 1829 at the age of twenty from Petersburg, Virginia. At that time, Liberia was a colony owned by a group of people in the United States. Who were they, and what did they plan to do with Liberia?
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