

哥斯登購買計畫 (Gadsden
Purchase) 在墨西哥市正式簽署
美國戰爭部部長傑佛遜‧戴維斯 (Jefferson
Davis) 派遣哥斯登與聖塔‧安那進行土地談判。和所有人一樣,大衛斯認為這一整片的土地很適合建造南方橫貫大陸的鐵道系統。這條鐵道線將會連接西部領土與東部及北部地區,可以讓人們更容易到達這些新的土地。在1869年時,人稱「四大亨」的四位西部鐵道建築大亨:柯立斯‧杭廷頓 (Collis
P. Huntington) 、李藍‧史丹佛 (Leland
Stanford) 、馬克‧霍普金斯 (Mark
Hopkins) ,以及查爾斯‧克洛克爾 (Charles
Crocker) 等四人共同成立了「中太平洋鐵道公司」」 (Central
Pacific Railroad) ,其鐵道線向東延展到西拉‧內華達山 (Sierra
Nevada Mountain) ,與猶他州,並且和「聯合太平洋鐵道公司」 (Union
Pacific) 連接在一起,構成了第一條橫貫整個美國大陸的鐵道線。
U.S. Secretary of War Jefferson Davis had sent Gadsden to negotiate with Santa Anna for the land. Davis valued it, as others did, as the perfect tract for the construction of the southern transcontinental railroad. The railroad line would connect western territories to the east and north, greatly increasing the accessibility of these new lands. By 1869, the "big four" of western railroad construction--Collis P. Huntington, Leland Stanford, Mark Hopkins, and Charles Crocker--had pushed the Central Pacific Railroad line eastward over the Sierra Nevada Mountains to Utah to join with the Union Pacific, completing the first transcontinental railroad.
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