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Map of routes for a Pacific Railroad

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哥斯登購買計畫 (Gadsden Purchase) 在墨西哥市正式簽署

1869年完成加州至猶他州的「中太平洋鐵道系統」之後,四大亨開始建設「南太平洋鐵道線」 (Southern Pacific) ,作為連接到南加州的支線。這條鐵道在1877年通到亞利桑納邊界,到了1883年,已經和其他來自紐奧良,並穿越德州與新墨西哥州的鐵道相連接 (這片土地是在哥斯登購買案中取得的) 。這條跨大陸的鐵道系統、也加快了美國向西部擴張的速度。 

目前仍在營運的是「聯合太平洋公司」 (Union Pacific Corporation) ,這家公司控制了全美三分之二以鐵道為主的西部運輸量。你有沒有搭火車到西岸去的經驗呢?

After completing the Central Pacific Railroad from California to Utah in 1869, the big four started the Southern Pacific as a branch line into southern California. The railroad reached the Arizona border in 1877, and in 1883 it was joined to other railroads built west from New Orleans across Texas and New Mexico, territory that was acquired in the Gadsden Purchase. This transcontinental system sped up westward expansion of the U.S.

Still in operation today as the Union Pacific Corporation, the company controls most of the rail-based shipping in the western two-thirds of the country. Have you ever ridden a train through the West?

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