

哥斯登購買計畫 (Gadsden
Purchase) 在墨西哥市正式簽署
西元1853年12月30日,美國駐墨西哥代表詹姆士‧哥斯登與墨西哥總統安東尼奧‧羅培茲‧聖塔‧安那將軍在墨西哥市簽署「哥斯登購買計畫」。這項條約解決了墨西哥與德州愛爾巴索 (El
Paso) 以西的邊界問題。美國以大約1千萬美金的代價,取得了大約2
Meeting in Mexico City on December 30, 1853, James Gadsden, U.S. Minister to Mexico, and General Antonio López de Santa Anna, president of Mexico, signed the Gadsden Purchase. The treaty settled the dispute over the exact location of the Mexican border west of El Paso, Texas, giving the U.S. claim to approximately 29,000 square miles of land in what is now southern New Mexico and Arizona, for the price of $10 million.
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