

雅米斯泰德號叛變 (Amistad
Mutiny) 的生存者於1841年3月9日被釋放了
在辛格的帶領下,這些叛亂者並沒有殺害雅米斯泰德號的領航員,並命令他將船開回非洲。但是領航員卻將船往北開,後來因為在長島附近的海岸載浮載沈而被發現,隨後就被美國海軍拖往康乃狄克州的新倫敦 (New
London) 。
美國總統馬丁‧範布倫 (Martin
Van Buren) 為了要得到支持奴隸制度者的支持,所以希望辛格與他的同夥會因為叛亂罪而被判刑,但是法官並不同意這個看法,並且下令美國政府必須護送這些非洲人返回家鄉。
Under Cinqué's leadership, the mutineers spared the life of the Amistad navigator, ordering him to sail the ship back to Africa. Instead, the navigator guided the schooner northward, where it was discovered drifting off the coast of Long Island and was then dragged into New London, Connecticut, by the U.S. Navy.
President Martin Van Buren, who wanted to gain the political support of pro-slavery voters, wanted Cinqué and his followers to stand trial for mutiny, but a judge disagreed and ordered the government to escort the Africans back to their home country.
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