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Jump Back in Time 西部擴張與改革 (1829-1859) 
'Prince Cinqué' by Romare Bearden, 1971.
雅米斯泰德號盼變的領導者約瑟夫‧辛格說:「我已經下定決心,寧死也不要變成白人的奴隸。」 (引用自1839年的紐約太陽報

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雅米斯泰德號叛變 (Amistad Mutiny) 的生存者於184139日被釋放了

辛格一夥人與範布倫總統之間的爭執並沒有因此而解決。前總統約翰‧昆西‧亞當斯 (John Quincy Adams) 在最高法院上訴中表示雅米斯泰德號上的非洲人被非法奴役,因此「應該被賦予所有來自人類與基督教國家應有的仁慈與調停。」


The fight between Cinqué mutineers and President Van Buren didn't end there. In an appeal before the U.S. Supreme Court, former President John Quincy Adams argued that the Africans on the Amistad were illegally enslaved and "were entitled to all the kindness and good offices due from a humane and Christian nation."

The court agreed, and Adams's victory in the Amistad case was a significant success for the movement to abolish slavery. Have you seen or heard about the movie "Amistad" that was made about this case?

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