雅米斯泰德號叛變 (Amistad
Mutiny) 的生存者於1841年3月9日被釋放了
你是否寧願死亡而不願失去自由?在150多年以前,一群來自西非獅子山 (Sierra
Leone) 的人對這個問題回答「是的」。在他們被葡萄牙奴隸商人誘拐離家之後,他們被送到雅米斯泰德耗上,有53名非洲人在約瑟夫‧辛格 (Joseph
Cinqué) 的率領下,與船員發生抗爭。辛格是曼德部落 (MAnde
Tribe) 的一員,他住在西非獅子山的曼德區裡,他是酋長的兒子。
Would you rather die than lose your freedom? More than 150 years ago, a group of people from the West African country of Sierra Leone answered yes to that question. After being abducted from their home country by Portuguese slave traders and placed on the schooner Amistad, 53 of the Africans followed the lead of Joseph Cinqué in a revolt against the ship's crew. Cinqué was a member of the Mende tribe. He lived in the Mende territory of Sierra Leone on the West Coast of Africa. He was the son of a chief.
On March 9, 1841, the U.S. Supreme Court freed the 35 Africans who survived the mutiny and cleared the way for their return home.
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