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Jump Back in Time 進步時代 (1890-1913)  
September 1944, Librarian of Congress Archibald MacLeish, center, joined Reference Department director David C. Mearns and Verner W. Clapp of the Acquisitions Department.
阿契博得‧麥克列許 (中間這位) ,正在檢查傑佛遜所寫的獨立宣言草稿

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國會圖書館第九任館長阿契博得‧麥克列許 (Archibald MacLeish) 出生了

麥克列許還有許多其他的成就。他年輕的時候,曾擔任執業律師達三年之久,然後就全家搬到巴黎,在那裡還寫了幾本詩集。當他回到美國之後,麥克列許寫了一篇像故事般的長詩,題名為「征服者」 (Conquistador) ,這是一首有關西班牙征服墨西哥的詩。麥克列許也因為這篇作品,而得到1933年的普利茲詩歌獎 (Pulitzer Prize for Poetry。普利茲獎每年都會頒發給在詩歌、文學、音樂,以及新聞報導方面有傑出成就的人。)在他擔任國會圖書館館長的時候,麥克列許被指派為助理國務卿。在1950年代,麥克列許又寫了更多的詩文以及一部劇作,JB: A Play in Verse,這是根據聖經約伯記的故事所寫的,也得到1959年的普利茲戲劇獎。 


MacLeish had other great accomplishments. As a young man, he practiced law for three years, and then he moved his family to Paris, where he wrote several volumes of poetry. Back in the U.S., he wrote a long story-poem called Conquistador about the Spanish conquest of Mexico. For this he won the 1933 Pulitzer Prize for poetry. (The Pulitzer Prize is given annually to poets and writers, as well as to others for achievements in music and journalism.) After his time as Librarian of Congress, he became assistant Secretary of State. In the 1950s, MacLeish wrote more poetry and a play, JB: A Play in Verse, based on the Book of Job in the Bible, which was awarded the 1959 Pulitzer Prize for drama.

You could call Archibald MacLeish a Renaissance man, meaning he had many interests and talents. Perhaps you are a Renaissance person too. What are your interests and talents?

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