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國會圖書館第九任館長阿契博得‧麥克列許 (Archibald MacLeish) 出生了


September 1944, Librarian of Congress Archibald MacLeish, center, joined Reference Department director David C. Mearns and Verner W. Clapp of the Acquisitions Department.

阿契博得‧麥克列許 (中間這位) ,正在檢查傑佛遜所寫的獨立宣言草稿

出處: "Librarian of Congress Archibald MacLeish, center, joined Reference Department director David C. Mearns and Verner W. Clapp of the Acquisitions Department in examining Thomas Jefferson's rough draft of the Declaration of Independence." September 1944. Jefferson's Legacy: A Brief History of the Library of Congress, Library of Congress.