國會圖書館中亞當大樓 (Adam
Building) 裡的閱覽室
國會圖書館第九任館長阿契博得‧麥克列許 (Archibald
MacLeish) 出生了
在他擔任國會圖書館館長的時候,麥克列許重新整頓了圖書館,並且努力增加讀者對圖書館的使用。第二次世界大戰爆發後,他將許多重要的文件與書籍,例如獨立宣言等,送到諾克斯堡 (Fort
Knox) ,以確保這些文件的安全。為戰爭效力,他24小時開放國會圖書館給美軍事情報人員。
While he was Librarian of Congress, MacLeish reorganized the Library and worked to "increase the use of the Library to its readers." With the start of World War II, he also kept the collection safe by sending important pieces, like the Declaration of Independence, to Fort Knox. He also kept the nation's Library open to U.S. military intelligence 24 hours a day for the war effort.