威廉‧克裡斯多夫‧漢迪 (William
Christopher Handy) 的曼菲斯藍調 (Memphis
Blues) 出版了
漢迪於1873年出生在阿拉巴馬州,當他到密西西比三角洲 (Mississippi
Delta) ,開始演奏短號與舞團搭配演出時,他找到真正的興趣所在。一路上漢迪寫下並收集他在1890年代所聽到的藍調歌曲。不過觀眾想要聽的卻是
當時活潑且受歡迎的散拍音樂(ragtime)舞曲曲調,所以漢迪當時也演奏那種音樂。當他在1909年搬到田納西州的曼菲斯時,漢迪發現人們對音樂開始有無限的渴望。曼菲斯的居民十分熱愛音樂,他們的市長克倫普 (E.
H. Crump) 於是聘請漢迪擔任他競選時的樂團領導人。
Born in Alabama in 1873, W.C. Handy found his true calling when he began playing cornet with dance bands traveling the Mississippi Delta. Along the road, Handy wrote down and collected blues songs he heard in the 1890s. Audiences, however, wanted to hear ragtime dance tunes, the lively and popular music of the day, so that's what he played. When he settled in Memphis, Tennessee, in 1909, Handy found a sophisticated population with a limitless appetite for music. Music was so popular in Memphis that an aspiring mayor, E.H. Crump, hired Handy as the bandleader for his campaign.
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CREDIT: Van Vechten, Carl, photographer. "Portrait of William Christopher Handy." July 17, 1941. Creative Americans: Portraits by Carl Van Vechten, 1932-1964, Library of Congress. AUDIO CREDIT: Harrison, W.S. "Jaybird," Sylvester "Texas Stavin' Chain" Jones, and Wallace "Stavin' Chain" Chains, performers. "Worry Blues." Recorded Ramsey State Farm, Otey, Texas, April 23, 1939. The John and Ruby Lomax 1939 Southern States Recording Trip, Library of Congress.