威廉‧克裡斯多夫‧漢迪 (William
Christopher Handy) 的曼菲斯藍調 (Memphis
Blues) 出版了
你聽不聽藍調音樂呢?如果你不聽,那麼你也一定聽過被藍調影響過的音樂 (一種傷感的歌曲,第二句歌詞往往重複第一句歌詞) 。許多藝術家,例如約翰‧李‧虎克 (John
Lee Hooker) 、比比金 (B.
B. King) 、可可‧泰勒 (Koko
Taylor) 等人都是讓感情濃烈的藍調音樂成為傳奇的主要人物。但是在他們之前,被認為是藍調之父的威廉‧克裡斯多夫‧漢迪,就已經把這種非裔美人的傳統民俗音樂帶到主流音樂市場上了。他的曼菲斯藍調在1912年9月28日正式出版上市,改變了美國流行歌曲的風格。
到了1960年代,藍調音樂已經對爵士樂、古典音樂,以及搖滾樂界的音樂人士造成深遠的影響,例如阿蕾沙‧法蘭克林 (Aretha
Franklin) 與滾石合唱團 (Rolling
Stones) 等。藍調音樂有沒有影響到任何你所喜愛的歌曲呢?
Do you listen to the blues? If you haven't, you've definitely heard music influenced by the blues (a song of sadness in which the second line often repeats the words of the first). Artists such as John Lee Hooker, B.B. King, and Koko Taylor have made that sultry blues sound legendary, but before them, William Christopher Handy, the "Father of the Blues," brought the African-American folk tradition into mainstream music. The publication of his song "The Memphis Blues" on September 28, 1912, changed the course of American popular song.
By the 1960s, the blues sound had significantly influenced the development of jazz, classical music, and the rock and roll of such performers as Aretha Franklin and the Rolling Stones. Do the blues influence any of your favorite songs?
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