

威廉‧克裡斯多夫‧漢迪 (William
Christopher Handy) 的曼菲斯藍調 (Memphis
Blues) 出版了
漢迪一開始演奏的音樂,稱之為克倫普先生 (Mr.
Crump) ,結合了藍調與當時流行的散拍音樂(ragtime)。由於相當受到歡迎,這首歌也讓克倫普成功贏得市長選舉,也讓漢迪嚐到成功的滋味。後來漢迪把這首歌改名為曼菲斯藍調,並且在1912年9月28日正式出版在店裡販售。第一批的一千張唱片在三天之內就銷售一空。但是出版公司卻欺騙漢迪,告訴漢迪這首歌賣得很差,只願意支付50塊美金的版權費。漢迪同意了。雖然漢迪一開始遭到欺騙,不過他還是繼續創造其他更受歡迎的作品,亦如黃狗雷格 (Yellow
Dog Rag) 等等。後來,漢迪被世界公認為藍調之父。你還知道其他哪些藍調音樂家呢?
Handy's original tune, titled "Mr. Crump," merged the blues sound with popular ragtime style. Overwhelmingly popular, the song led Crump to the mayor's office and Handy to musical success. Changing the song's name to "The Memphis Blues," he watched the sheet music go on sale in department stores on September 28, 1912. The first thousand copies sold out in just three days. But Handy's publisher deceived him and told him that the song had flopped, offering him just $50 to buy the rights. The composer agreed. Though cheated out of his first big hit, Handy went on to produce many other popular works, such as the "Yellow Dog Rag." W.C. Handy became recognized around the world as the "Father of the Blues." What other blues musicians do you know?
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