奧姆斯德 (Frederick
Law Olmsted) 生於1822年4月26日
奧姆斯德與卡佛特‧法克斯 (Calvert
Vaux) 在新公園的構思中有一場激烈的角力賽,後來奧姆斯德的設計雀屏中選,因為他所設計的花園中、融合了自然景觀與豐富的世界美景。為了建造新的公園,他們運用了五百萬立方碼的泥土,還用260噸的火藥炸開許多大石頭,種植了27萬棵的樹與灌木。到了1864年,紐約市的居民已經可以在樹木繁茂的公園小徑上漫步,在湖中划著小船,或者是在露天看台上看風景。現在,人們更是已經無法想像紐約市若沒有「中央公園」會是什麼樣子了。
Olmsted and Calvert Vaux entered a design contest for a new park and won with a design patterned after gardens and natural sights that Olmsted had admired around the world. To create the new park, they shifted nearly 5 million cubic yards of dirt, blasted rock with 260 tons of gunpowder, and planted 270,000 trees and shrubs. In 1864, New Yorkers could stroll along wooded paths, paddle a boat around the lake, or people-watch from terraces. Today, many people cannot imagine New York City without its Central Park.
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