奧姆斯德 (Frederick
Law Olmsted) 生於1822年4月26日
你有沒有去過紐約市的「中央公園」 (Central
Park) 呢?出生於1822年4月26日的奧姆斯德是19世紀時美國最優秀的造園技師。他從小成長在康乃狄克州的哈特佛市,對於自然景觀的美麗有特別的欣賞眼光。由於他的視力有問題,所以只好放棄讀大學的計畫,轉而學習工程學與農藝。後來,他在1850年代時,被指派負責管理建造「中央公園」的工程。
Have you ever been to New York City's Central Park? Born on April 26, 1822, Frederick Law Olmsted became 19th-century America's number one landscape architect. As a boy in Hartford, Connecticut, he had admired natural beauty. Bad eyesight forced him to abandon his plans to attend university, so he studied engineering and farming instead. Eventually he ended up in charge of creating Central Park in the 1850s.
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