
優勝美地國家公園裡的新娘面紗瀑布 (Bridalveil
Fall) (1860

奧姆斯德 (Frederick
Law Olmsted) 生於1822年4月26日
也許就是看著人們享受公園的情景,讓奧姆斯德有了新的構想。為了保護優勝美地國家公園讓人嘆為觀止的美景,奧姆斯德成為負責管理優勝美地國家公園 (Yosemite
National Park) 的第一位管理委員。後來他也成為尼加拉瓜瀑布 (Niagara
Fall) 的管理委員,並且協助把尼加拉瓜瀑布變成一個公共保護區。奧姆斯德一直到七十歲還在工作,他設計了許多公園,甚至還替芝加哥的郊區「河畔」 (Riverside) 區,作了完整的規劃與設計。你能想像這些美麗的地方、是在他在視力不佳的情況下所創造出來的嗎?
Maybe it was watching those people enjoy his creation that inspired Olmsted. He became one of the first commissioners of Yosemite National Park because he was determined to protect its breathtaking beauty. He did the same for Niagara Falls and helped turn it into a public reserve. Working well into his seventies, Olmsted designed more parks and even an entire Chicago suburb, Riverside. And to think that bad eyesight led him to create such beautiful places.
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