

傑克‧路比 (Jack
Ruby) 射殺甘迺迪刺殺案的嫌犯:李‧哈維‧奧斯華德 (Lee
Harvey Oswald) :1963年11月24日
1965年9月6日,傑克‧路比在上訴審訊時遞了一張紙條給他的律師艾默‧葛茲 (Elmer
Gertz) ,紙條上寫道:
Jack Ruby was found guilty of murder on March 14, 1964, and sentenced to death. He appealed and won a retrial on the basis that procedural errors had occurred during the trial.
At an appeal hearing on September 9, 1965, in Dallas, Jack Ruby passed this note to his attorney, Elmer Gertz:
"Elmer, you must believe me, that I am not imagining crazy thoughts, etc. This is all so hopeless, that they have everything in the bag and there isn't any chance of hope for me. These hearings are just stalling for time."
The note shows Ruby's declining mental state. In 1967, Jack Ruby died of cancer in prison before a new trial could be held.
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