傑克‧路比 (Jack
Ruby) 射殺甘迺迪刺殺案的嫌犯:李‧哈維‧奧斯華德 (Lee
Harvey Oswald) :1963年11月24日
西元1963年11月24日,德州達拉斯 (Dallas) 的警察正將刺殺約翰‧甘迺迪 (John
F. Kennedy) 總統的嫌犯李‧哈維‧奧斯華德遞解至另外一個監獄裡。許多記者、攝影師,還有警察聚集在監獄地下室的車庫旁,等待奧斯華德被帶出來押上囚車。突然之間,傑克‧路比走向前拿出手槍,射殺了奧斯華德。傑克路比是達拉斯一間夜總會的老闆,同時也是甘迺迪的仰慕者。整個事件都被拍了下來,而且電視也現場轉播了發生的經過。所有在場目擊經過的人,都嚇得目瞪口呆。
On November 24, 1963, Dallas, Texas, police were transferring Lee Harvey Oswald, who had been arrested for assassinating President John F. Kennedy two days earlier, from one jail to another. A crowd of journalists, photographers, and police crowded around in the jail's basement garage, and watched as Oswald was led out and was about to be placed in a police car. Suddenly, Jack Ruby, an owner of a Dallas nightclub and admirer of President Kennedy, stepped forward, drew a gun, and killed Oswald. The whole incident was captured on live television, shocking viewers who witnessed the crime.
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