

傑克‧路比 (Jack
Ruby) 射殺甘迺迪刺殺案的嫌犯:李‧哈維‧奧斯華德 (Lee
Harvey Oswald) :1963年11月24日
甘迺迪遇刺身亡後,副總統林登‧詹森 (Lyndon
Johnson) 繼任成為總統,他下令成立調查這個刺殺案的總統委員會 (President』s
Commission) 。最高法院首席法官爾耳‧華倫 (Earl
Warren) 是這個委員會的主席。這個委員會負責調查甘迺迪槍殺案與奧斯華德的所有細節。西元1964年9月,委員會在報告中指出,他們無法找到任何奧斯華德與路比介入這項刺殺總統案件的證據。
After Kennedy was killed, Vice President Lyndon Johnson became president, and he appointed the President's Commission on the Assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Chaired by Supreme Court Chief Justice Earl Warren, the Commission investigated circumstances surrounding the shootings of Kennedy and Oswald. In September 1964, the commission reported it had found no evidence that Oswald and Ruby were involved in a conspiracy to assassinate the president.
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