約翰‧皮爾興 (John
J. Pershing) 去世了:1948年7月15日
皮爾興從西點軍校 (West
Point) 畢業後,他成為西部第六騎兵團的指揮官,並且參與了對抗阿帕契 (Apache) 與蘇族 (Sioux) 印第安人的行動。
當國會通過法律授權美國軍隊成立由黑人士兵組成的騎兵與步兵團時,皮爾興成為率領蒙大拿州第10騎兵團的首位中尉。由非裔美人組成的第9與第10號騎兵團在1898年美西戰爭中的聖提牙哥 (Santiago) 與聖黃安山 (San
Juan Hill) 之戰中都扮演相當重要的角色。皮爾興後來還因為在這些戰爭中的英勇表現,而得到「銀星褒揚獎章」 (Silver
Star Citation) ,但是他那時候還沒有碰到惡名昭彰的潘橋‧維拉。
After graduating from the United States Military Academy at West Point, Pershing commanded the 6th Cavalry Regiment in the West, where he participated in the campaigns against the Apache and Sioux Indians.
When a new law authorized the U.S. Army to form cavalry and infantry regiments of black soldiers, Pershing became first lieutenant of the 10th Cavalry Regiment in Montana, one of several segregated regiments. The African American troops of the 9th and 10th Cavalry Divisions played a prominent role in the battles of Santiago and San Juan Hill during the Spanish-American War in 1898. Pershing was awarded a Silver Star Citation for gallantry in both those battles, but he had yet to meet the notorious Pancho Villa.
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