

約翰‧皮爾興 (John
J. Pershing) 去世了:1948年7月15日
當美國決定投入第一次世界大戰時,威爾遜指派皮爾興率領美國遠征隊 (American
Expeditionary Force) 到歐洲地區作戰。在皮爾興於1948年去世之前,他在軍事生涯中的優秀表現,使他晉陞成為美國軍團將軍 (General
of Armies of the United States) 。在他之前,只有喬治‧華盛頓 (George
Washington) 獲頒這個頭銜。
President Wilson sent Pershing after Pancho Villa, the Mexican bandit who had been making murderous raids across the border into the United States. For nine months, Pershing and his troops chased the elusive Villa through Mexico. Although Pershing never caught Villa, Wilson was impressed with the way the general handled his command in a foreign country.
When the U.S. entered World War I, Wilson appointed Pershing commander of the American Expeditionary Forces to Europe. Before his death in 1948, Pershing's brilliant military career earned him the title of General of the Armies of the United States. He was the first general awarded the title since George Washington.
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