約翰‧皮爾興 (John
J. Pershing) 去世了:1948年7月15日
約翰‧皮爾興曾經帶兵攻打美國印第安人、追逐潘橋‧維拉 (Pancho
Villa) 到墨西哥,同時也將美國軍隊訓練成一支作戰部隊投入第一次世界大戰。當他於1948年7月15日去世時,政府以英雄般的葬禮將他埋葬在阿靈頓國家公墓。
皮爾興於1860年9月13日出生在密蘇里州的萊克雷得 (Laclede) ,他是家中六個小孩的老大。他的母親在家裡教他唸書,而皮爾興也培養了對學習的熱愛。皮爾興是怎麼成為軍事英雄的呢?
John J. Pershing fought the American Indians, chased Pancho Villa into Mexico, and molded the American troops into a fighting army during World War I. When he died on July 15, 1948, he was given a hero's burial at Arlington National Cemetery.
Born in Laclede, Missouri, on September 13, 1860, Pershing was the oldest of six children. His mother taught him at home, where he developed a love of learning. How did Pershing become a military hero?
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