雷蒙‧洛伊威 (Raymond
Loewy) 設計了他的夢幻車:1961年3月22日
洛伊威和他的設計師團隊在1962年展示了阿汎提號的模型車。這部車子得到眾人的讚揚,但是因為許多生產上的問題,人們必須等上一段時間才能真正駕駛這部車子。史都德貝克公司在1963年停止營運,一直要到阿汎提汽車公司 (Avanti
Motor Corporation) 在1963年成立後,阿汎提號才真正的進行量產。阿汎提號是否吸引了你的注意力呢?你想像洛伊威還設計了什麼東西呢?
Loewy and his team of designers showed a sample Avanti to the public in 1962. The car received rave reviews, but because of a series of production problems, the public had to wait to drive it. Studebaker Corporation closed in 1963, and it wasn't until 1965, when the Avanti Motor Corporation was formed, that the Avanti went back into production. Does the Avanti capture your imagination? What other things do you think Loewy designed?
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