雷蒙‧洛伊威 (Raymond
Loewy) 設計了他的夢幻車:1961年3月22日
如果你能自己設計你的夢想車子,那會是什麼樣子的呢?工業設計師雷蒙‧洛伊威在1961年3月22日時,看到了自己的夢幻車子。這輛車子叫做阿汎提號 (Avanti) ,是一部時髦且充滿未來感的跑車。當時業績很糟的史都德貝克公司 (Studebaker
Corporation) 總裁雪伍德‧愛格柏特 (Sherwood
Egbert) 拜託洛伊威設計一部能夠抓住顧客想像力,且能夠刺激公司業務量的車子。這個計畫成功了嗎?
If you could design your dream car, what would it look like? Industrial designer Raymond Loewy made his dream come true on March 22, 1961, when he designed a sleek, futuristic sports car called the Avanti. Sherwood Egbert, president of the ailing Studebaker Corporation, asked Loewy to design a car bold enough to capture people's imagination and boost the company's sagging sales. Did the plan work?
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