雷蒙‧洛伊威 (Raymond
Loewy) 設計了他的夢幻車:1961年3月22日
在他的一生中,雷蒙‧洛伊威促使工業設計成為一門專業學問。因為他獨特的設計風格以及所設計之廣泛多樣化的家居產品,洛伊威在1930年代與1940年代享有很高的名聲。西元1945年,他和另外五位夥伴成立了雷蒙洛伊威公司 (Raymond
Loewy Associates) ,這是世界上最大的工業設計公司,負責創造設計器具設備、汽車、傢俱、房子與辦公室的室內設計,甚至是豪華遊艇的設計等等。西元1951年,洛伊威設計了最先進的「瞭望」廚房 ("Look"
kitchen) 。
During his career, Raymond Loewy helped establish the profession of industrial design (the design of products made by large-scale industry for mass distribution). He became well known in the 1930s and 1940s for his distinctive design of a wide range of household products. In 1945, he formed Raymond Loewy Associates with five partners, the largest industrial design firm in the world, creating appliances, cars, furniture, interior designs for homes, offices and even a luxury cruise ship. In 1951, Loewy designed the state-of-the-art "Look" kitchen.
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