
泰羅尼爾斯‧蒙克、豪沃‧麥吉 (Howard
McGhee) 、羅伊‧愛爾德瑞吉 (Roy
Eldridge) ,以及泰迪‧西爾 (Teddy
Hill) 等人在紐約的名頓劇院 (Minton』s
Playhouse) 外合影 (攝於1947年)

迪吉.葛拉斯彼 (Dizzy
Gillespie) :1993年1月6日
Music styles borrow from each other. If you listen to Gillespie's be-bop, maybe you will hear some chords and rhythms that are similar to the music you listen to today. Ask someone in your family about the music he or she heard growing up. What was different about it? How is hip-hop like be-bop? How is it different?
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