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迪吉.葛拉斯彼 (Dizzy Gillespie) :1993年1月6日


Thelonious, McGhee, Eldridge, and Hill, 1947.

泰羅尼爾斯‧蒙克、豪沃‧麥吉 (Howard McGhee) 、羅伊‧愛爾德瑞吉 (Roy Eldridge) ,以及泰迪‧西爾 (Teddy Hill) 等人在紐約的名頓劇院 (Minton』s Playhouse) 外合影 (攝於1947年)  

出處: Gottlieb, William, photographer. "Portrait of Thelonious Monk, Howard McGhee, Roy Eldridge, and Teddy Hill, Minton's Playhouse, New York, N.Y., ca. Sept. 1947." 1947. William P. Gottlieb - Photographs from the Golden Age of Jazz, Library of Congress.