
迪吉‧葛拉斯彼用他的月亮臉頰來演奏小號 (攝於1947年)

迪吉.葛拉斯彼 (Dizzy
Gillespie) :1993年1月6日
迪吉‧葛拉斯彼是一隻冷酷的貓,在紐約市裡任意跳躍著。他最常沿著52街跳躍,所以這條街道也被稱為「搖擺巷」 (Swing
Lane) 與「比波普弄」 (Be-Bop
Alley) 。葛拉斯彼和其他音樂家最喜歡在哈林區舉辦表演,他們在那裡能夠盡情展露自己的音樂才華。葛拉斯彼是一個善於表演的藝術家,同時他也四處巡迴表演。大家最熟悉的,就是他在演奏時,那如月亮般圓鼓鼓的臉頰。
Dizzy was one cool cat who jammed all over New York City, particularly along 52nd Street, often called "Swing Lane," and "Be-Bop Alley." Gillespie and the other musicians liked to hold long jam sessions in Harlem where they could show off their musical talents. Gillespie was quite a showman and he toured all over. He was known for his bent trumpet and having "moon cheeks" when he played.
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