大都會歌劇院 (The
Metropolitan Opera House) 於1883年10月22日在紐約開幕了
雖然「浮士德」是根據德國詩作而以法文寫成的,但是在表演時卻是以大都會歌劇院早期管理人員偏好的義大利文來演唱。如果你現在去看這齣歌劇,雖然一邊聽音樂,一邊看演員的演出就可瞭解故事內容,不過在舞台上方還是會有所有台詞的英文翻譯。已經有許多來自世界各地的歌聲優美的歌手與有天分的藝術家到大都會歌劇院來演出,例如傳奇性的指揮家阿圖洛‧托斯卡尼尼 (Aturo Toscanini) ,還有偉大的女高音潔拉汀.法拉 (Geraldine Farrar) 等等。
Although composed in French and based on a German poem,
Faust was sung in Italian, the favored language of the Metropolitan Opera's early management. If you saw the opera now, "supertitles" on a screen above the stage would provide an English translation of the words, though watching the movement on stage and hearing the emotion of the voices might be enough for you to understand the story. The Metropolitan Opera has attracted amazing voices and talented artists from around the world, like legendary conductor Arturo Toscanini and great singer Geraldine Farrar.
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CREDIT: Torrey, George Burroughs, artist. "Geraldine Farrar in La Tosca." Detroit Publishing Company between 1900 and 1920. Touring Turn-of-the-Century America: Photographs from the Detroit Publishing Company, 1880 - 1920, Library of Congress.
AUDIO CREDIT: Rappold, Marie, performer. "'O Patria Mia' from Verdi's Aida." Thomas A. Edison, Inc. 1916. Inventing Entertainment: The Sound Recordings of the Edison Companies, Library of Congress.