
佛羅里達的賓薩科歐拉 (Pensacaola) 歌劇院在1900年時是傳統團體與雙人舞蹈,例如方塊舞與華爾滋的表演重鎮

大都會歌劇院 (The
Metropolitan Opera House) 於1883年10月22日在紐約開幕了
在歷史上,各城鎮的歌劇院通常有許多不同的功能,包括舉行社區舞蹈表演、博覽會、舞台劇、歌舞表演、歌劇,以及其他音樂性表演等等。從1966年開始,大都會歌劇院協會 (Metropolitan Opera Association) 把紐約的林肯表演藝術中心 (Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts) 當成協會總部。在那裡你可以聽到許多歌劇歌手,例如男高音路西亞衲‧帕華洛帝 (Luciano Pavarotti) 、女高音賽西莉雅‧芭托莉, (Cecilia Bartoli) 等人的表演;隔天,林肯中心又會舉行舞台劇、芭蕾、交響樂,以及其他種類的表演。問問那些年紀比較大的親戚,看看他們有沒有去過當地的歌劇院看過舞蹈表演。
Historically, opera houses have served a variety of functions in towns and cities across the country, hosting community dances, fairs, plays, and vaudeville shows as well as operas and other musical events. Since 1966, the Metropolitan Opera Association has made its home at the Lincoln Center for the Performing Arts in New York. There you can hear opera vocalists such as Luciano Pavarotti and Cecilia Bartoli; on other nights, the Lincoln Center hosts plays, ballet, symphony orchestras, and other types of performances. Ask older relatives if they ever went to dances at their local opera house.
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