大都會歌劇院 (The Metropolitan Opera House) 於1883年10月22日在紐約開幕了
你知道某些美國城鎮的歌劇院通常也備用來當作是社區活動的地點嗎?美國最有名的歌劇院應該就是在1883年10月22日開幕的紐約大都會歌劇院了。第一齣在這裡登台的表演是查爾斯‧古諾 (Charles Gunods) 的「浮士德」 (Faust) ,主要在描述德國巫師把他的靈魂賣給魔鬼,以交換知識、力量、青春,以及愛情的故事。你以前有沒有聽過這個故事呢?
Did you know that in some U.S. towns and cities, the opera house used to serve as a center of community activity? The most famous opera house in the country, the Metropolitan Opera in New York, opened on October 22, 1883. The first performance was of Charles Gounod's Faust, the fascinating tale of a German sorcerer who sells his soul to the devil in exchange for knowledge, power, youth, and love. Have you heard of this story before?
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