

改革家葛蕾斯‧阿波特 (Grace
Abbott) 生於1878年11月17日了
西元1917年,阿波特離開芝加哥,進入勞工部 (Department of Labor) 服務。她被指派到兒童局 (Children』s Bureau) 服務,並負責進行有關兒童福利相關議題的調查與報告。於是她開始推動限制童工的聯邦法律。到了1918年,美國最高法院推翻了這項立法。雖然阿波特很失望,但是她卻運用她的影響力,使戰爭期間的承包商不會僱用童工來工作。究竟幾歲才能被允許開始工作呢?
In 1917, Abbott left Chicago to join the Department of Labor, where she was assigned to the Children's Bureau in charge of investigating and reporting on issues related to child welfare. She began working on the first federal law restricting child labor. In 1918, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down the legislation. Although she was disappointed, Abbott used her influence to make sure that wartime contractors did not rely on child labor. How old should someone be in order to be allowed to work?