
改革家葛蕾斯‧阿波特 (Grace
Abbott) 生於1878年11月17日了
葛蕾斯‧阿波特長大後成為一個行動主義者與社會改革家,一點都不讓人感到訝異。阿波特於1878年11月17日在內布拉斯加州的格蘭島 (Grand
Island) 出生在一個全家都是行動主義者的家庭。她的父親是該州的政治領袖,她的母親是協助黑奴脫逃的「地底鐵道」 (Underground
Railroad) 的成員之一,同時也參與爭取婦女投票權運動。
阿波特大學畢業後在高中擔任老師,後來她進入芝加哥大學 (University of Chicago) 就讀,並且在那裡取得政治學碩士學位。她在那裡住了9年之久 (1917年) ,並且為了爭取移民的權利而努力著。但是移民並不是阿波特成名的唯一原因。你能猜到阿波特致力於有關兒童的什麼事務呢?
It is no surprise that Grace Abbott grew up to be an activist and social reformer. She was born on November 17, 1878 in Grand Island, Nebraska, into a family of activists. Her father was a leader in state politics, and her mother took part in the Underground Railroad (helping to free slaves) and the woman's suffrage movement (helping women earn the right to vote).
After graduating from college and teaching high school, Abbott went to the University of Chicago, where she earned a master's degree in political science. She lived there for nine years, until 1917, and worked for immigrants' rights. But immigration was not the only cause that Abbott became known for. Can you guess what other issue related to children she dedicated much of her life?
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