
改革家葛蕾斯‧阿波特 (Grace
Abbott) 生於1878年11月17日了
兒童局為了讓政府通過限制童工的憲法修正案而努力著。雖然這項法律一直都沒被批准,但是卻還是設立了規範16歲以下兒童不能工作的條例,而這項法律則於1938年法蘭克林‧羅斯福 (Franklin
D. Roosevelt) 任內通過。阿波特沒有停止她對童工議題的關心。此外,她也為了其他議題而努力著。在1921年時,「雪帕—透納法案」 (Sheppard-Towner
Act) 通過,要求兒童局負責管理兒童與孕婦健康照顧的援助計畫。
在為了募集經費,以及確保兒童局正常運作的長久工作之後,阿波特在1934年從公職上退休。在那個時候,她有自信兒童局的工作能夠繼續持續下去,而社會安全法 (Social Security Act) 也一定能夠對母親與兒童提供必要的援助。
The Children's Bureau campaigned for a constitutional amendment limiting child labor. Although it was never ratified, it did set an example for legislation regulating the labor of children under the age of 16, which was passed during the presidency of Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1938. Abbott didn't stop with child labor. She also advocated for other programs. In 1921, the Sheppard-Towner Act passed, directing the Children's Bureau to administer an aid program to the states for child and maternity health care.
After a career of fighting for funding and protecting the Children's Bureau, Abbott retired from government service in 1934. By that time, she was confident that the work of the Children's Bureau would continue, and the Social Security Act would provide assistance to mothers and children.