
of Hampshire)為名,是最初的13州之一(於1788年加入聯邦)。因為境內擁有許多花崗岩露天礦場,所以新罕布夏又名「花崗岩之州」(Granite
free or die)相稱。相較與其他州而言,新罕布夏是相當小的一州,但它在每四年一次的總統大選中卻扮演了一個重要的角色,因為新罕布夏是最早舉行總統初選的州。新罕布夏的州鳥是紫梅花雀,而它的首府是康科特(Concord)。
One of the original 13 states (it entered the Union in 1788), New Hampshire was named after the English county of Hampshire. New Hampshire is called the "Granite State" because of its numerous granite quarries; the nickname may also reflect the state's attachment to tradition and its history of a frugal government. There are no general sales or individual income taxes, which fits with the state motto of "Live free or die." A relatively small state, New Hampshire plays a major role every four years in the presidential election, as it holds the first primary election. New Hampshire's state bird is the purple finch and its capital is Concord.
