

Anne's War)中,大不列顛及法國曾在西印度群島(West
Theodore Roosevelt)在樸次茅斯市舉行了一場和平會談,旨在終結日俄戰爭。結果,日本及蘇俄都簽下了樸次茅斯和約(Treaty
of Portsmouth),而羅斯福總統也因其努力而獲頒諾貝爾和平獎。
Two peace treaties have been signed in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. One was signed before America gained its independence from the British and the other was signed almost 200 years later. Do you know the treaties?
From 1702 to 1713, Great Britain and France fought in the West Indies and in the Carolina and New England frontiers in Queen Anne's War. At the end of the war, the American Indians who had sided with the French surrendered to the British. On July 13, 1713, representatives from the Indian tribes, Massachusetts Bay, and New Hampshire met in Portsmouth to sign a treaty. The Indians agreed not to fight the British anymore. This treaty is interesting in part because the Indian representatives signed their names in three languages: French, English, and their own, which is in pictograph, or drawn symbols.
Almost 200 years later, in 1905, President Theodore Roosevelt held a peace conference in Portsmouth to help end the Russo-Japanese War. As a result, Japan and Russia signed the Treaty of Portsmouth. President Roosevelt received the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts.
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