

Forest Heritage Park)
Mountain National Forest)除了露營外,仍有許多事可以做,如:釣魚、健行、尋找麋鹿及滑雪,但它也是一個學習當地歷史的好地方。北方森林歷史公園就位在新罕布夏國家森林(New
Hampshire National Forest)內。這個公園內有一座博物館及其他的建築物,遊客可在此得知當地伐木工業的相關資料。事實上,北方森林歷史公園是美國境內歷史最悠久的伐木業者,現在仍在營業中。
There's plenty to do besides camping in White Mountain National Forest, such as fishing, hiking, spying on moose, and skiing. But it's also a good place to learn about local history. Within this New Hampshire National Forest is the Northern Forest Heritage Park. The park has a museum and other buildings that tell visitors about the local logging industry. In fact, Northern Forest Heritage Park runs the oldest continuous logging operation in the United States.
Considered a "working forest," the Northern Forest Heritage Park is located along the Androscoggin River. This was a major area in the logging and paper industry in the mid-19th and early-20th centuries. The Northern Forest offered a large supply of trees, and the Androscoggin River provided water power for the sawmills. Immigrants from many countries including Norway, Russia, Ireland, and Italy worked in the mills. As a result, the area boomed and several companies were established to take advantage of the wood and paper industries. At the same time, efforts were made to keep a forest growing, including the establishment of the first industrial forestry program in the nation.
Next time you are in a forest, think about all the things you can do there, as well as all the natural resources around you.
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