
以美國南部各州的中心 (Heart
of Dixie) 著名,阿拉巴馬州在1819年正式被納為聯邦第22州。阿拉巴馬源自一個印第安字,意為「灌木叢清理者」(thicket
座落於白人拓荒者與美洲印地安人之間及內戰時的南北交接處。阿拉巴馬也是第一間太空夏令營的本部 (美國境內共有三大太空夏令營) 。這些夏令營能讓孩子體會身在外太空大概會是怎麼樣的感受。阿拉巴馬的首都是蒙哥馬利 (Montgomery) ,而它的州花是山茶花。
Known as the Heart of Dixie, Alabama became the 22nd state in 1819. The name Alabama is derived from an Indian word meaning "thicket clearers." Alabama has been at the center of many American battles--between white settlers and Native Americans, and between the North and South in the Civil War. The state also is home to the first of three Space Camps in the United States. These camps let kids experience what it would be like to be in outer space. The capital is Montgomery, and state flower is the camellia.
