肯塔克藝術節 (Kentuck Festival
of Arts)
藝術對不同的人意謂不同的事物;對「點點人」山姆麥克米勒 (Sam
McMillan) 來說,藝術等於
- 你猜的沒錯 - 點。
如果你在十月來到阿拉巴馬的北港 (Northport) , 則正好能參加肯塔克藝術節; 在這為期兩天 的盛事裡 , 有300 位享譽全國的藝術家和工藝師父 在此展售他們的作品。節慶開始後,節目
點人"麥克米勒及利用電線和其他人的垃圾來製做雕塑品的"錫人"查理盧卡斯 (Charlie
Lucas) ;
還有傑瑞布朗 (Jerry
Brown) ,他仍努力延續傳統,製造南方特有的粗
Art means different things to different people. For Sam "The Dot Man," art is all about -- you guessed it -- dots.
If you go to Northport, Alabama, in October you can catch the Kentuck Festival of the Arts. This two-day event features 300 nationally known artists and crafts people showing and selling their work. When it began, the festival included mainly local artisans, some of whom gave demonstrations, such as a woman who showed how to make thread out of cotton on a spinning wheel. Today some of these local artists include Sam "The Dot Man" McMillan in his colorful clothes and hat and Charlie "The Tin Man" Lucas, who makes sculpture from wire and other people's trash. There's also Jerry Brown, who continues an unbroken tradition of Southern stoneware pottery that has been in his family for nine generations.
A "petting zoo" of musical instruments from the Tuscaloosa Symphony provides other entertainment for kids while everyone admires the artwork of sculptors, painters and artisans. Children can participate in hands-on craft projects such as squishing clay between their fingers, or making paper hats or tie-dyed garments.
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