

每年五月,在法庭及舊門羅郡法院大樓 (Monroe
County Courthouse) 的草坪上,演員們會演出曾獲普立茲獎的小說<<殺了仿聲鳥>> (To
Kill a Mockingbird) ;位於阿拉巴馬西南方,門羅郡的法院大樓 (現已成為一間博物館)
<<殺了仿聲鳥>>是關於一個男人遭人指控他未曾犯過的罪行。本書的作者哈波李 (Harper
Lee) 出生於1926,並與舊法院大樓一起成長,當時,所有活動都會在郡廣場舉辦,而廣場的中心點就是舊法院大樓。
因此很容易理解,舊法院大樓的優美法庭是如何啟發她的靈感並進而化成為書中的一部份。當小說要拍攝成電影時,據說李堅持電影導演要在開始架構電影場景前,先造訪門羅郡的舊法院大樓。電影中的主角由影星葛雷哥萊畢克 (Gregory
Peck) 扮演,其也曾到過鎮上並參觀舊法院大樓。稍後葛雷哥萊畢克宣稱他所扮演的角色范奇 (Atticus
Finch,辯方律師) 是他演藝生涯中的最愛。
Each May in the courtroom and on the lawn of the Old Monroe County Courthouse, actors put on a production of the Pulitzer Prize-winning novel To Kill a Mockingbird. Now a museum, the courthouse in Monroe County, southwestern Alabama, has been called "one of the handsomest and most conveniently appointed [courthouses] in the state."
To Kill a Mockingbird is a story about a man who is accused of a crime he didn't commit. The author of the book, Harper Lee, was born in 1926 and she grew up with the old courthouse as the center of all activity on the town square. It's easy to imagine how the elegant courtroom of the old courthouse may have inspired parts of her book. When the book was made into a movie, it is said that Lee insisted that the director of the film visit the Old Monroe County Courthouse before constructing the movie sets. The star of the movie, actor Gregory Peck, also came to see the courthouse and town. He later said that the role of Atticus Finch, who is the accused man's lawyer, was his favorite of all time.

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