

米德發現所有的小孩對太空探險都有相似的概念,無論他們來自何處或他們祖先的成長過程伴有食人族或T型車 (早期的車型) 都不會造成任何不同。到了1960年代時,世界各地的人們都可以使用廣播電台及電視,所以賓州及馬奴斯島的小孩都可以在同一天聽到太空人的消息。
Mead found that kids had similar ideas about space exploration, no matter where they were from. It didn't matter if their grandparents had grown up with cannibals or Model Ts. By the 1960s, people all over the world had access to radio and television, so kids in Pennsylvania and Manus could hear news about astronauts on the same day.
What do you think Mead would say about the internet and 24-hour television news?
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