

峇裡島(印尼的一部分)及馬奴斯島的小孩講述太空旅行及第一架環繞地球軌道運行的衛星「史普尼克號」 (Sputnik:1957年時,由前蘇聯發射進入太空);您認為她發現了什麼?
Mead believed that, after World War II, the world was changing much faster than ever before. Developments in science and technology, like nuclear bombs, television, and space travel, happened so quickly that adults couldn't really keep up, but Mead thought that kids could easily adapt to rapid technological change. She called children the "natives" and adults the "immigrants" of the modern world.
Mead used social science techniques to research her ideas about change. In the 1950s and '60s she talked to kids in the United States, Canada, Bali (part of Indonesia), and Manus about space travel and Sputnik, the first satellite to orbit the Earth (launched by the Soviet Union in 1957). What do you think she discovered?
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