
韋恩將軍部屬的薪資清冊 Payroll list for General Wayne's staff

哈里森的軍旅生涯 Harrison's Military Career
哈里森在軍隊中待到1798年,在上尉職階中退伍;他被派任於靠近俄亥俄州辛辛那提市附近的華盛頓要塞,擔任「瘋狂安東尼」韋恩將軍的副官,韋恩十分讚許他在1794年Fallen Timbers之役中的勇敢表現,是美軍贏得的重要勝利之一。此役開啟更多白種人至俄亥俄州地區定居。哈里森在韋恩將軍於1795年逝世後、被稱為華盛頓要塞軍力的指揮官。哈里森的軍旅生涯也在1798年結束了嗎?
Harrison stayed in the Army until 1798, leaving with the rank of captain. He was posted to Fort Washington, near Cincinnati, Ohio, and served as aide-de-camp to General "Mad Anthony" Wayne. Wayne cited him for bravery at the Battle of Fallen Timbers in 1794, an attack on Fort Washington that the U.S. Army won. This opened much of the Ohio region to white settlement. Harrison was named commander of forces at Fort Washington when General Wayne died in 1795. Did Harrison's military career end in 1798?
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