
1811年的「蒂珀卡努戰役秘密計畫」(Plot of Tippecanoe battleground)

哈里森的軍旅生涯 Harrison's Military Career
於1800年派任為新疆域印第安那州州長,哈里森的任務在於保護並擴張白種人的定居之地,1811年因為受到蕭尼族印地安人酋長Tecumseh的威脅日盛,哈里森在11月7日成功地帶領千名人民、於蒂珀卡努河(Tippecanoe River)對抗蕭尼族,他因此得到「老將」(Old Tip)的暱稱,更重要的是、他獲得准將的職階,負責號令美國在西北方的軍隊。
於 1813年,哈里森在鄰近加拿大安大略的泰晤士河之役中,擊敗英國與印地安戰士的聯合軍,Tecumseh在此戰中身亡,哈里森的勝利也結束了西北部印地安人的長期抵抗。哈里森在1814年、自己41歲時退役。
Appointed governor of the new Indiana Territory in 1800, Harrison had the job of defending and extending white settlements, and he did so by going back into battle. In 1811, as the threat organized by the Shawnee Indian chieftain Tecumseh grew stronger, Harrison successfully led about a thousand men against a Shawnee uprising on the Tippecanoe River on Nov. 7. He earned the nickname "Old Tip," but more importantly the rank of brigadier general and was given command of U.S. forces in the Northwest.
In 1813, during the War of 1812, Harrison defeated a joint force of British and Indian fighters at the Battle of the Thames River, near Ontario, Canada. Tecumseh was killed, and the victory ended the Indian resistance in the Northwest for good. Harrison resigned from the Army in 1814 at the age of 41.
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