哈里森的軍旅生涯 Harrison's Military Career
威廉亨利哈里森在投入軍旅之前、於裡其蒙(Richmond)與費城就讀醫學(他是美國唯一一位就讀醫學科系的總統),在1791年他加入軍旅,透過家族關係獲得第一步兵團(First Infantry)中的海軍少尉職務,當時他十八歲、帶領大約八十名他自行招募來的軍人、對抗西方邊境的印地安人。哈里森在軍中待了多少年?
William Henry Harrison studied medicine in Richmond and Philadelphia before dropping it in favor of a military career. (He is the only president who studied to become a doctor.) In 1791 he joined the Army, and through family connections obtained an officer's commission as ensign in the First Infantry. He was then 18 and in charge of about 80 men whom he had recruited to fight Indians on the Western frontier. How long did Harrison stay in the Army?
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