

1608年時,透過波卡洪塔斯的協調,殖民同意釋放波瓦坦囚犯,而當時的她才12歲大!接下來的兩年內,她持續的來回奔波在她的父親 (波瓦坦酋長) 及族人之間,致力於保護殖民地居民。儘管她盡了最大的努力,波瓦坦人及英國人之間的緊張情勢仍不停的增高,因為波瓦坦戰士對英國人奪取他們土地這件事感到越來越憤怒。最後,兩方人馬終於開戰
In 1608, Pocahontas helped negotiate the return of Powhatan prisoners held by the colonists. Pocahontas was only about 12 years old when she did this! During the next two years, she continued to come between her father, Chief Powhatan, and members of her tribe in protecting the colonists. But despite her best efforts, tensions between the Powhatans and the English grew, as Powhatan's warriors grew furious over the English taking their land. Finally, war broke out among the two peoples, in a conflict that would last for five years.
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