波卡洪塔斯 (Pocahontas) 是波瓦坦 (Powhatan) 之女,波瓦坦是住在維吉尼亞州的亞爾岡京印地安人 (Algonquian
Indians:即波瓦坦人)的一位重要酋長。她的真名是「Matoaka」,而波卡洪塔斯是她的綽號,意為「愛嬉戲的」或「調皮的」。 波卡洪塔斯最著名的事為傳聞她救了英國上尉史密斯 (John
Smith) 的生命。她的一生短暫(死於22歲),但她在其他方面卻影響深遠。波卡洪塔斯試著要促進波瓦坦人及英國殖民間的和平;她甚至改信基督教及嫁給一位詹姆士鎮的移民羅爾夫 (John
Rolfe) ,一段有助於兩邊人民融合的婚姻。她在英國的早逝損害了維吉尼亞州內,亞爾岡京人及殖民之間的永續和平機會。
Pocahontas was the daughter of Powhatan, an important chief of the Algonquian Indians (the Powhatans) who lived in the Virginia region. Her real name was "Matoaka." "Pocahontas" was a nickname meaning "playful" or "mischievous one." Pocahontas is most famous for reportedly saving the life of English Captain John Smith. Throughout her short life (she died at the age of 22), however, she was important in other ways as well. Pocahontas tried to promote peace between the Powhatans and the English colonists. She even converted to Christianity and married John Rolfe, a Jamestown colonist, a union which helped bring the two groups together. Her untimely death in England hurt the chance for continued peace in Virginia between the Algonquians and the colonists.