因為她是重要酋長的女兒,波卡洪塔斯是降低維吉尼亞州內美國原住民及英國殖民之間緊張關係的理想人選。她的人民喜愛且尊敬她,而她也結交了許多新近到達的移民朋友。維吉尼亞州州長史密斯在1608年結束了綺沙比克灣 (Chesapeake
Bay) 的探險,回到詹姆士鎮之後,波卡洪塔斯扮演著一個「中間人」或媒介的角色。舉例說明,波卡洪塔斯常會帶食物及禮物給殖民地居民;在印地安人及殖民之間,她扮演了一個更重要的角色;您知道她還做了什麼嗎?
Because she was the daughter of a powerful chief, Pocahontas was an ideal person to help reduce tensions between the Native Americans and the English colonists in Virginia. Her own people loved and respected her, and she made many friends among the newcomers. After John Smith, the Virginia governor, returned to Jamestown in 1608 following his exploration of the Chesapeake Bay, Pocahontas acted as a "go-between," or intermediary. For instance, Pocahontas often brought food and gifts to the colonists. She played an even more important role in relations between the Indians and the colonists. Do you know what else she did?
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