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Meet Amazing Americans 領袖與政治人物 波卡洪塔斯 (Pocahontas)
Pocahontas in European dress

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1616年時,現在叫做蕾貝卡的波卡洪塔斯、羅爾夫及他們的年幼兒子湯馬士一起到英國旅行並參觀了國王詹姆士一世的王宮。因為她來自於新世界,英國人對她充滿高度興趣,而且希望她的來訪能夠有助籌款讓更多的印地安人改信基督教。在英國時,波卡洪塔斯能與史密斯上尉見面,他們已有七年未見。但正當她準備啟程回到維吉尼亞州時,確身染重病。她死於1617 3 光榮地下葬於英國葛文森的聖喬治教堂 (Church of St. George) 。身在兩「世界」的朋友及家人都深感悲痛。史密斯上尉說她拯救了詹姆士鎮殖民地,使其免於「死亡、饑荒及絕對的混亂。」

In 1616, Pocahontas, now called Rebecca, John Rolfe, and their young son, Thomas, traveled to England and visited the court of King James I. The English were interested in her because she was from the New World and they hoped her visit would help raise money to convert more Indians to Christianity. While in England Pocahontas was able to visit with Captain John Smith, whom she had not seen in seven years. Just as she was getting ready to return to Virginia, she became seriously ill. She died in March 1617 and was buried with honors in the Church of St. George in Gravesend, England. Her friends and family in both "worlds" grieved. Captain John Smith said she had saved the Jamestown colony from "death, famine and utter confusion."

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